What is Generational Trauma, and How Can You Identify it in Your Life?
Generational trauma. This topic is a special one to me because once I learned about it, it changed my life. Generational trauma happens when emotional and psychological trauma is passed down through generations in a family or community. This can happen because of things like war, slavery, colonialism, sexual assault, famine, or forced migration that one's ancestors have experienced. It can show up in all sorts of ways, and usually, it affects people differently. In this blog post, I’ll dive deeper into generational trauma, how it can impact people, and some ways to identify it in your own life.
New Beginnings. Starting fresh after a loss.
This is also a great time to evaluate what you want your life to look like if you have experienced a loss. Maybe the loss was recent, and you’ve just made it through your first holiday season without your loved one. Perhaps some time has passed. Either way, an important step of the grief process is reflecting on your life and learning to move forward with your experience.
Grieving During the Holidays with Loved Ones
The holidays are perhaps the most notorious time of year for those who have experienced a loss. Meant to be a time of joy and celebration with loved ones, they only draw attention to those missing from the family gatherings. They can be a source of profound sadness, whether the loss is fresh or decades old.
Building My New Normal After The Death Of My Mom And Brother
Why a new normal? Why not a new life or adapt to our old one? Because when someone dies, nothing will be the same. So that is the NEW part. And the "normal" means that when we need to continue with our lives, the day-to-day needs to continue. So we needed to build a new normal. This new normal story has many parts, but today I want to share a story about how my dad needed to create a new normal and what that meant for us, his daughters.
Navigating Grief During The Holidays
The holidays are an incredibly difficult time of year for anyone struggling with the loss of a loved one. Because celebrations are so focused on joy and gathering with family, they can make feelings of grief even stronger. In our Thanksgiving blog, we focused on how to celebrate the holidays while grieving a loss with loved ones who are also grieving. This post will focus more specifically on you: what you can do to feel okay as the holidays continue.
What Is Complicated Grief And How Can It Be Treated?
Hospice care is a philosophy of care: it treats the patient rather than the disease. It is typically administered when the patient is not expected to live longer than six more months. Hospice care accepts the inevitability of death, and rather than attempting to postpone it, it seeks to make the patient as comfortable as possible in their final days.
Got Guilt?
Death doulas provide important end of life care, including physical, emotional, and educational support. They are responsible for guiding a client and client’s family through the end of life process, meeting a client’s needs, and assisting in end of life planning assistance.
Death Doulas What Are They, And Why Are They Important?
Death doulas provide important end of life care, including physical, emotional, and educational support. They are responsible for guiding a client and client’s family through the end of life process, meeting a client’s needs, and assisting in end of life planning assistance.
Psychedelics at the End of Life
Receiving psychedelics as treatment for anxiety and depression differs dramatically from using them recreationally, which is why recreational users may be surprised to hear about long-lasting, scientifically proven effects on anxiety and depression.
New Beginnings: Starting fresh after a loss.
Hospice care is a philosophy of care: it treats the patient rather than the disease. It is typically administered when the patient is not expected to live longer than six more months. Hospice care accepts the inevitability of death, and rather than attempting to postpone it, it seeks to make the patient as comfortable as possible in their final days.
Millennial Caregivers: The Younger Generation of Caregivers
One in every four caregivers is a member of the millennial generation, and caregivers as a whole are getting younger and younger. Millennial caregivers often struggle to balance caregiving, caregiving costs, and other employment.
What is Hospice Care? And why could it be a great option for your loved ones?
Hospice care is a philosophy of care: it treats the patient rather than the disease. It is typically administered when the patient is not expected to live longer than six more months. Hospice care accepts the inevitability of death, and rather than attempting to postpone it, it seeks to make the patient as comfortable as possible in their final days.
What is The Heart Wall: and the benefits of releasing it.
The heart wall is a protective shield that we build up around our hearts as a result of heartbreak, grief, trauma, panic, shock and so many other situations. The Heart Wall is made up of layers of a variety of emotions like hurt, anger, grief, resentment, and any number of other negative emotions that we have trapped throughout our lives or even inherited from our ancestors.
15 Ways To Clear Your Tarot Deck
When people clear or cleanse their Tarot cards they are asking for assistance from positive energy to come to the aid of the reading and cards while banishing any bad energy or blockage at the same time. This ensures that the reading will be clear, clean, and as accurate as possible.
The good or positive energy that the reader imparts on her Tarot deck is any good energy that the reader believes in. Here are some of the ways people clear their cards:
Anxiety in Terms of Grief
One of the most important emotions present on the spectrum of grief is that of anxiety. Anxiety can be understood as a strong sensation of worry or unease, typically in anticipation of a future event whose result and effects are uncertain. In the context of grief, anxiety can be understood to be of two types. There is the anxiety present in anticipatory grief, the grief that occurs before the loss of a loved one, a friendship, a job, or a romantic relationship; and the anxiety present in post-loss grief.
Building our New Normal
When my mom passed away, we needed to create our new normal.
Why a new normal? Why not a new life or adapt to our old one? Because when someone dies, nothing will be the same. So that is the NEW part. And the "normal" means that when we need to continue with our lives, the day-to-day needs to continue. So we needed to build a new normal. This new normal story has many parts, but today I want to share a story about how my dad needed to create a new normal and what that meant for us, his daughters.
Grief From Stillbirths
The death of a child is one of the most difficult types of loss you can experience. It is estimated that in the United States, 26,000 families a year experience a stillbirth. Definitions of stillbirth vary, but it is usually considered to be the loss of a baby after 20 weeks.
Mindfulness and Grief
There are a number of ways that mindfulness and meditation can help with grief. Impermanence is a core component of Buddhism, and practicing mindfulness can make us less uncomfortable with the idea that nothing can stay the same forever. This includes our grief, which is impermanent and ever-changing.
Resilience in Grief
The Emotion Code explains it in a better way. Your emotions are trapped in your body. They are like energy pockets that are stuck in a variety of organs in your body. They tell your body that something's not okay. Depending upon what triggered them and for how long they have been trapped, they can cause physical pain, emotional unavailability, and even life-threatening diseases.
....And who cares for the caregivers?
Who cares for the caregivers? We ask this question because, from our personal history and our professional insight, we have noticed that caregivers are usually forgotten. This often happens a couple of weeks after the person who they are caring for has been diagnosed. When we mention "forgotten," we mean their needs and desires are ignored.