What is The Heart Wall: and the benefits of releasing it.

Releasing your Heart Wall -Patty Montoya

What is the heart wall? 

The heart wall is a protective shield that we build up around our hearts as a result of heartbreak, grief, trauma, panic, shock and so many other situations. The Heart Wall is made up of layers of a variety of emotions like hurt, anger, grief, resentment, and any number of other negative emotions that we have trapped throughout our lives or even inherited from our ancestors. 

Did you know that the Heart has its own "little brain" or "intrinsic cardiac nervous system?"

In 1991 Dr. Armour discovered that the heart has its own nervous system just like the brain. The heart is composed of 40,000 neurons that are alike neurons in the brain. They are three types of neurons in the brain:

  1. Sensory neurons share information from our organs (eyes, mouth, liver) to the brain. 

  2. Motor neurons manage the messaged from nerve cells in the brain to the muscles, helping us coordinate our muscle's activity such as walking, typing, or talking. 

  3. Interneurons are the rest of the Neurons. 

So back to the heart, how does this affect my heart wall? When we understand the type of neurons that the brain has and how they communicate we can understand how much capacity our hearts have to manage and keep information. 

How is the heart wall formed?

Any time you have experienced any kind of emotional or physical trauma (which we all do as we grow up) or inherit, it causes a release of adrenaline in your system. Adrenaline is also released every time you are in a situation where you feel unsafe or threatened by someone or something, such as when you get in an accident, you lose someone you love, or experience a traumatic experience such as divorce, physical or mental abuse, and so on. The adrenaline creates armor around your heart center to protect it from another threat.

As this happens repeatedly, more and more layers of armor get added to our heart wall, which builds up an energy wall around our physical heart. This energy wall consists of layers of worry, pain, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs that you've accumulated over your lifetime. 

It is not built upon the purpose, and we are not aware of it being there, but for most of us, it is there nonetheless. It is a defensive layer that the subconscious has built around the heart.

The Heart-Wall is made up of Emotionally Charged Subconscious Programs (ECSPs). They are the painful emotions that we subconsciously build into our energy field as protection from pain. These programs are held together by the most painful emotion/program of all – rejection.

In other words, the Heart Wall consists of layers of these emotions or 'blocks' which form a kind of 'wall' or 'barrier' around the heart.

How does having a Heart Wall affect your health?

The heart Wall can affect the size and shape of your heart as well as its ability to function properly. It is a physical barrier. This is really important to understand. 

The heart wall is invisible to everyone except people who use the Emotion Code to decipher the energy blockages, and even then, it can be difficult to see because our subconscious tends to hide it from practitioners. 

The heart wall is a wall of energy around the heart chakra. The issue is that this wall of energy prevents you from completely enjoying the love and happiness that you deserve.

Once created, this wall acts as a barrier between you and the rest of the world, restricting the natural flow of your emotions and preventing you from living a more fulfilling life. The heart wall blocks you from feeling joy and peace and makes it difficult to give and receive love. The wall also prevents you from experiencing all the benefits that an open heart chakra brings.

How to release a Heart Wall

The only perfect remedy to this problem is to release the Heart Wall. It will release the pain and suffering of a broken heart and allow you to move into life with a lighter, healthier heart.

The technique for releasing the Heart Wall is extremely simple and straightforward — as a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, this is one of my specialties. To release the Heart Wall we might need 1-3 sessions or even more. However, is non-invasive and can be done in person or online. 

Benefits of releasing the Heart Wall

You will find many benefits of releasing the heart wall. It can bring peace, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding into your life. It can free you from the emotional burden of negative past experiences, allowing you to view them with detachment and wisdom.

The most common feedback from people who I have worked with in the past releasing their heart walls is that they feel more relaxed and at ease with themselves. This is not surprising since we are now allowing our hearts to send and receive love freely and easily, which is what we all want, consciously or unconsciously.

You will also find that you are able to love yourself again. When you have a Heart Wall, it is impossible to truly love yourself. You are always looking for love from others because it's the only love you can feel – the one that is trapped behind your wall. Once your heart wall is gone, it won't matter what others do or think because you will be comfortable with yourself and happy in your own skin.

People who have released their heart wall often report better relationships and a feeling of being more in control of their lives. Again, this is not surprising since once our hearts are open and receptive again, then we can start to create new relationships with other people and enjoy life more fully.

Many report a deeper connection with their spouse or partner, and others say they have become closer to their children. One thing that is noticeable is that they no longer feel lonely. They are able to connect with other people in a way that they were not able to before.

Another thing that happens when you release your heart wall is that new opportunities start to present themselves. You become more open to new experiences and meeting new people. You also become less afraid of taking risks and trying new things – which leads to great opportunities for growth and success in all areas of your life!

Some people report feeling a sense of euphoria after releasing their heart walls, while others report an increased connection with nature and animals. We have even had one client tell us that he felt like he was floating on a cloud after releasing his heart wall! 

Final words

So, if you are one of those people having a heart wall, you should try this technique to get it released as early as possible. I am always happy to talk through the process or answer any additional questions. You have nothing to lose except your Heart Wall ;) That may be all it takes to propel you forward into a completely new life as well. It's worth a try!


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