I create a safe environment for you to work through your grief and trauma.

Then you are free to focus on your true mission and purpose in life.

You’ll feel comfortable and relaxed, which allows you to connect to your ancestors to get the answers you need. This higher wisdom brings you comfort and hope for the future.

As your spiritual advocate, I support you through the grief recovery and healing process.



I’m Patty, nice to meet you!

I am a Psychic Medium, Energy Healer, Anticipatory Grief Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Death Doula, and so much more! I founded Titipoza, a space created to help people process their grief and trauma and grow from their experiences.

Titipoza was created after experiencing the loss of several of my loved ones. I provide the services I did not have while anticipating the loss of her loved ones.

I believe we are all working through our traumas and processing generational trauma, and we come to this earth to learn, heal, and then teach.

In my practice, I use a blend of my gifts and lessons to empower you through your healing journey. Using energy healing, spirits guidance, or tarot cards, I can offer a space to raise your vibrations and guide you in your healing journey.  

By Healing Grief and Trauma, You Free Yourself Up to Live Your True Soul Path.


Dream it.

Find relief from the all-consuming grief of losing a loved one.

Recover from the trauma that keeps you stuck in the pain of the past.

Clear the negative energy blocks that prevent you from living your purpose in life. 


My Personal Experience with Loss and How It Led to My Calling

The timing couldn’t have been worse . . . I’d just moved to another country, accepted a new job, and moved into a new apartment. Things were hectic and busy already . . .

And then my mother became ill with an aggressive disease and rapidly declined. When she passed away, I was reeling in the aftermath.

Though disillusioned by my mother’s sudden passing, I was too busy to focus on healing myself. I didn’t have anyone around to tell me it was OK to stop and process this trauma.

The saddest part was that I had already experienced the disease and death of my younger brother to another type of cancer 9 years before my mom had passed away.

And back in 2009 I was studying for my SATs, applying to colleges, and doing night shifts at the hospital to spend time with my brother.
When their loss did hit me, it felt like I was in an empty void. I wasn’t sure what to do to process the pain.

Through the work that I had done to work through my grief of losing my sibling I had some tools to deal with the sudden loss of my mother, but it is never enough.

Both of these extremely difficult and painful experiences helped me discover that I had a natural ability to connect to the other side. Being able to communicate with my family members in spirit gave me so much peace.

I became a professional Psychic Medium and Energy Healer to help you get the same relief I felt after my loss.

My passion is to help you get the important messages you need to move forward with less suffering and more joy in your life, while also helping your energetic body and physical body heal from the trauma and the pain that grief always brings.

I want you to know that it is possible to heal from even the most traumatic memories and situations.


Space Clearing

Tarot Pop-Ups

Speaking Engagements

"A few years ago I was introduced to Patricia as someone who could help me unblock all the issues and blockages I was experiencing. I started working with her on a regular basis to receive tarot readings. She is very professional and kind. Her readings have really helped me in all aspects of my personal life and have impacted me so greatly that I’m not sure what I would do without the readings. She is truly the best."

Stephanie B - California, USA


let’s work together