Death Doulas What Are They, And Why Are They Important?
Meet a Death Doula
You might have heard of the term “birth doula” — a trained companion who provides physical, emotional and informational support to a mother through childbirth, to help her achieve the healthiest experience possible.
An end-of-life doula — also known as a death doula — is different. A death doula supports one through their end of life process.
What exactly is a Death Doula?
A death doula is responsible for supporting and guiding the person dying and their family. It is a non-medical role intended to help the client and their loved ones have the best end of life experience possible.
Some are present only in the last days of life, offering “vigiling” — which involves companionship to the dying person so that they are not alone. Some also offer an after-death ritual, which helps families prepare the body of the departed.
What do Death Doulas do?
A death doula’s primary role is to offer a consistent and supportive presence at the bedside of a dying person. They understand that no two deaths are the same, and they provide specialized care designed around the specific needs of each person. There are a few main roles for which a death doula can be responsible.
Death doulas provide companionship when a client’s death is approaching. They give emotional support and listen to the family to assist them in moving towards accepting death more easily. Death doulas may even form a meaningful personal bond with clients while keeping them company.
Death doulas spend time observing the client and their interactions with their loved ones. They help cover unmet needs, whether those are physical, emotional, or spiritual. When a dying person's needs have been established, the death doula advocates on behalf of the dying person; they will make sure that their needs are met to the fullest extent possible.
End of Life Planning Assistance
Death doulas can help with death planning services. They may assist with the arrangement of funeral logistics or other tasks. They can provide death education to help their clients feel more comfortable with the idea of death, so that they can approach death with joy rather than fear. They guide clients to explore what death looks and feels like, discussing their concerns, fears, questions, and joys in the process of the end of life.
Why are Death Doulas important?
Death doulas can improve a dying person’s ability to control their own care, or even their own passing. They can help guide inexperienced families and loved ones through the complex needs and planning required at the end of life, or after the process. Their services can be an invaluable tool in improving one’s dying outcome.
It may feel intimidating to seek out the services of a death doula, but is almost always a good decision. They provide extensive, personalized care and assistance to those who need it, offering their time to achieve a peaceful departure.
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