Connecting With The Other Side
A night of mediumship with Patty Montya: Workshop and Gallery Reading
Do certain symbols or synchronicities make you feel like there's a message for you, but you're unsure how to trust or decipher it? Have you ever wondered about subtle nudges you might be receiving from the Universe or from a loved one who has passed on?
Understanding the world of spirit communication can offer profound comfort and healing from departed loved ones, ethereal guides, and guardian angels. Join us for an enlightening evening as we delve into the art of intuition and learn to connect with kind and loving spirits from the other side.
Patty Montoya of Titipoza (Tee-tee-po-zuh) is more than a Psychic Medium; she's a beacon for those seeking to understand life's deeper questions. Patty's journey, rich with personal encounters with grief, has equipped her with insights both profound and practical. Through Titipoza, she has channeled her experiences into tools and teachings for those eager to connect with the beyond.
This 2-hour, immersive experience will include a little time at the start to sip a custom tea blend, to say hello to one another, and to set any aside any interference or unneeded energy from the day. Please bring a notebook and a pen for notes and reflections.
We’ll discuss the mechanics of how spirits communicate and offer clarity about frequently encountered signs and symbols.
Patty will address the most common inquiries she's received over the years, and any questions you have about the sacred mysteries of.
Learn simple techniques to recognize and interpret signs from the spiritual realm. Engage in exercises designed to hone your intuitive abilities.
We will end the night with a live, channeled reading. Patty will demonstrate some of the concepts from the workshp and create a bridge between our group and the other side. If there are departed loved ones or guides with messages ready to come through for the group or individuals, Patty will bring them forward.