Healing from Trauma or Grief
Utilizing Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), The Belief Code, Body Code and Emotion Code
Release Grief, Trauma, Inherited Trauma and even Limiting Beliefs with a blend of Rapid Resolution Therapy, The BeliefCode®, Body Code®, the Emotion Code®.
Reconnect to yourself by releasing all these energy imbalances that are no longer serving you in your present self.
The Body Code® is an energy healing technique designed to help identify and correct energy imbalances that could cause physical or emotional problems.
So what are Trapped Emotions? During our lives, we go through situations that our body might not have been able to process, and the body traps these emotions. If we do not release these trapped emotions, they can appear as physical or even emotional issues.
Trapped Emotions may cause feelings of depression or anxiety, and may also block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. I have also seen trapped emotions cause physical pain, like migraines, body aches, etc.
Our premise is that Trapped Emotions are made of energy just like the rest of the body and that they exert an influence on the physical tissues.
Releasing Trapped Emotions can create the proper conditions for the body to heal - so physical and emotional difficulties may disappear or become more manageable.
6 Benefits of working
with the Belief Code®, Body Code® and Emotion Code®.
Remove Trapped Emotions, internalized trauma, and more.
Identify issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems.
Discover heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, and other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
Support the function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment.
Find herbs and nutrients, exercise, and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.
What Happens In A Session?
Due to the reported experiences of thousands, we believe The Body CodeTM works because it allows us to find specific problems or imbalances and remove them. It’s as simple as that!
More than just physical benefits!
Not only has The Body Code helped many clients with physical discomfort, it can also:
Strengthen relationships and help you find love
Pave the way for creativity and freedom
Shatter blocks to wealth and success
And so much more!
Think about Belief Code®, Body Code® and Emotion Code® as a reiki session but focused releasing Limiting Beliefs, Physical discomforts and resetting the energetic body.
We believe the subconscious mind is the ultimate intelligence, like a highly advanced computer system. Our premise is that it knows everything you need in order to be healthy and happy.
Releasing Trapped Emotion, energetic imbalances or the Heart Wall is a non-invasive procedure and does not hurt.
It’s a simple process designed to use muscle testing (a form of biofeedback) to tap into the knowledge stored in your subconscious mind and can be done in person at my practice or online.
“I wanted to give you a small update to validate the Heart Wall release work we did. I did cry a bit after our session, but today I took the initiative to do a small gesture towards my mother that I know she feels is very loving. I have had a very tough relationship with her over the years with a lot of fear and mistrust towards her. A tiny bit of resistance came up where I realized how much I have been withholding love, especially from her, because of past actions. I was able to acknowledge and bypass it and felt lighter simply taking action..”
Yaira M. Philadephia, USA

Ready to Begin?
In this session, we will commence by releasing the energy blockages and any Limiting Beliefs to feel the release of trauma and/or grief.
DURATION: 90 Minutes
In this session, we will commence by releasing the energy blockages and any Limiting Beliefs to feel the release of trauma and/or grief.
DURATION: 60 Minutes
In this session, we will commence by releasing the energy blockages and any Limiting Beliefs to feel the release of trauma and/or grief.
DURATION: First appointment 90 Minutes, following appointments 60 minutes
INVESTMENT: $630 $590
If you are interested in a package, send me an email!